IB Schools in Mumbai focus on Gratitude Development
Being grateful, thankful and appreciating our lives and the things around is mostly difficult, especially when life doesn’t go as planned. As humans, we tend to look mainly at the grass being greener on the other side. However it is imperative to recognize its usefulness and sow the seed of gratitude in our lives.
Our ICSE schools in Thane, understands that gratitude is a quality that we need to imbibe in our lives. There are innumerable benefits of gratitude. Science says that it boosts our immunity. This is due to the simple fact that when are grateful, our brain releases chemicals that make us good. When we feel good mentally it automatically impacts our physical health as well.
Gratitude doesn’t come easily. It needs to be inculcated and practised daily so that we are able to wilfully be appreciative of even the miniscule of blessings that come our way daily. Hence students at IB schools in Mumbai are made aware through life skills sessions how they should develop gratitude. Students are asked to write/make note of each day one thing/event that they are grateful for in their life.
There are a lot of aspects of our lives that we overlook and dismiss and don’t realise the importance of. It is when we lose or have problems in those areas that we realise its value. E.g. our health is one such area, most of the times we are not grateful for being fit and fine. It is only when we fall ill or witness a close family member suffering, do we see its significance.
IB schools in Mumbai, focus on the ability of appreciation so children do not compare themselves to others or feel that their life is incomplete. When we become positive individuals we are able to take things in our stride, we are more motivated to outperform ourselves and feel satisfied with our lives. Once we become grateful we have a good self esteem as we are able to appreciate our talents.
ICSE schools in Thane, focus on students being thankful, because by being thankful for various aspects of our day and being conscious of it, we will able to observe and cherish even the smallest of growth in our lives.
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