International School Recognize the Significance of Empathic Listening

Stephen Covey in his book, ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, mentions ‘seek first to understand and then to be understood’ as an important habit that people must practise in their lives to be effective individuals. 

Top International schools in Mumbai - CP Goenka International School

When we use the word- understand in communication, it means to understand what the speaker is intending to convey to us and not we want to understand. Many a times we comprehend information according to our experiences and our point of view. Due to this misunderstandings take place as the message conveyed is not the one intended.

Our IGCSE board schools in Mumbai, understands that good communication skills are an integral part of day to day functioning. There are innumerable benefits of having good communication skills. It helps us in building good networks, makes us confident, we become good listeners etc.

Most often, listening is not seen as a communication skill. In listening we focus more on paying attention but that is just one aspect. Being empathic listener is what is crucial. It requires more than paying attention to what the other person is saying, it is understanding by putting ourselves in their shoes. Hence students at Top International schools in Mumbai are made aware through life skills sessions how they should develop empathy.

How many times we are judgemental and make comparisons, without even giving the other person a chance or opportunity to reveal themselves. Most of the times, we fail to understand that every individual is different and that their way of looking at things/events is different from ours.

Listening empathically entails making an emotional connection with the other person and finding similarities between their experience and your own so you can give a more heartfelt response. IGCSE board schools in Mumbai, focus on giving each child an opportunity to express themselves so that each child feels they are heard.

It is rightly said that there is a reason why we have 2 ears and 1 mouth, so that we listen more and speak less.


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